Alternative Investment Conference 2022

5 - 7 October 2022


Dear guests,

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum pharetra tempor felis sollicitudin pharetra. Sed pulvinar viverra massa nec ullamcorper. Vestibulum aliquet eget magna nec faucibus. Pellentesque placerat eleifend lorem. Aliquam at ligula ut elit dapibus congue. Cras sit amet purus tellus. Integer sodales nisl a ligula blandit, sed venenatis nunc gravida. Duis orci augue, iaculis quis semper et, dignissim vel odio. Aliquam dapibus vel lectus a luctus. Quisque in arcu quis felis pellentesque vehicula et sit amet sem. Nulla at tempus nunc. Integer diam sem, tincidunt eu nibh in, volutpat scelerisque elit. Morbi neque nulla, fermentum eget tortor vel, consequat porttitor massa. Sed tincidunt, nunc eu interdum pellentesque, orci tortor elementum odio, ut consequat mauris nibh a ex. Mauris tincidunt nec diam sit amet tempor.


Dienstagabend oder Mittwoch



Investor's Meeting Conference

inkl. Dinner


Alternative Investment Conference Day 1

inkl. Dinner


Alternative Investment Conference Day 2

inkl. Dinner


Advisory Board Meeting

Freitag oder Samstag




Bürgenstock Resort

6363 Obbürgen

During this year’s events we welcome you again to Vienna, where you will have the opportunity to explore the heritage of our shareholder, the Princely Family of Liechtenstein. Our events will feature two historic properties, the Liechtenstein Garden Palace and the Liechtenstein City Palace.

The Alternative Investment Conference will take place at the Garden Palace, and the investor dinner on Thursday evening will be held in the opulent ballroom of the City Palace, a five minute walk from our guest’s hotel. Guests will have the opportunity to explore the High Baroque architecture of the palace during the evening reception.


If you have any questions, please contact